Our purpose is to be a family church for all nations where all are equipped to radiate God’s excellence.

A place where souls will be won to the Lord by all means necessary.

A place where the oppressed, depressed, weak, will find love, rest for their souls, forgiveness and hope from God.

A place where believers will be enlightened and empowered through all-round impartation of God’s Word.

A place where believers are equipped for ministry.

A place where all are equipped to be leaders in every sphere of life in society.

RCCG Arise and Shine Restoration City (ASRC) in the Hudson Valley, NY, aka Arise and Shine Church, is a growing, contemporary family church for people from all nations. The church was established in July 2018, following a call on Pastors Charles (Pastor C) and Yetunde (Pastor Yetty), to start a branch of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in the Hudson Valley area of New York.

From inception, the vision has been to raise a family church where people are equipped and empowered to radiate excellence in God. And to be a shining light in the community and beyond.

By the grace of God, the church continues to grow and our best in ASRC is yet to come. The church has a bright future at the top, building destinies to manifest Kingdom Excellence.


For more information about RCCG, visit http://www.rccg.org or http://www.rccgna.org